

T Knutsson AB

History T Knutsson AB was started 1993 by Tommy Knutsson. What begun as a one man company has with the years developed into a very broad distribution and agency company with about 50 principals and yet another 15 agencies. Our personnel has deep knowledge and competences within our areas, as heat insulation, heat treatment, energy saving and metallurgy. We serve today among others Iron & Steel industry, furnace producers and insulation entrepreneurs. Our policy is to hold a high service level, access through our stocks and to help finding good solutions on all possible problems that can to arise within our field. Since 2011 T Knutsson is owned by Höganäs Bjuf AB, which is a part of the Norwegian stock exchange listed Borgestad Group. Products and serv…

T Knutsson AB

Country: Sweden
Address: Borrgatan 6 211 24 Malmö-Sweden
Postal Code: 21124
Website: http://www.tknutsson.com/en

T Knutsson AB

Address: Borrgatan 6 211 24 Malmö-Sweden Postal Code: 21124 Website: http://www.tknutsson.com/en

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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